Shell Scripting Programs

1) Write a shell script to ask your name, program name and enrollment number and print it on the screen.

Echo “Enter your name:”
Read Name
Echo “Enter your program name:”
Read Prog
Echo “Enter your enrollment number:”
Read Enroll
Echo “Details you entered”
Echo Name: $Name
Echo Program Name: $Prog
Echo Enrolment Number: $Enroll

2) Write a shell script to find the sum, the average and the product of the four integers entered

Echo “Enter four integers with space between”
Read a b c d
Sum =`expr $a + $b + $c + $d`
Avg =`expr $sum / 4`
Dec =`expr $sum % 4`
Dec =`expr \ ($dec \* 1000 \) / 4`
Product =`expr $a \* $b \* $c \* $d`
Echo Sum = $sum
Echo Average = $avg. $dec

Echo Product = $product


Hi Suresh Babu,

You make learning and reading addictive. All eyes fixed on you. Thank you being such a good and trust worthy guide.

I am a python beginner, I have a scenario where I need to search and select a particular value from linux command "df -h".

dumpe2fs 1.42.13.x5 (23-Mar-2017)
Inode count: 786432000

In this above output I need to store the inode count number in to a variable to use it for further calculation.
Can anyone explain how to use python regular expressions to do the above task?

Thanks a lot. This was a perfect step-by-step guide. Don’t think it could have been done better.

Morgan lee
