HackerRank Bash Challenges - Arithmetic Operations Solution

We provide you with expressions containing +,-,*,^, / and parenthesis. None of the numbers in the expression involved will exceed 999.
Your task is to evaluate the expression and display the output correct to 3 decimal places.
Sample Input 1
5+50*3/20 + (19*2)/7
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
-105+50*3/20 + (19^2)/7
Sample Output 2
Sample Input 3
(-105.5*7+50*3)/20 + (19^2)/7
Sample Output 3

read line;
printf "%.3f" $(echo "scale = 4; $line" | bc);


Hello There,

You make learning and reading addictive. All eyes fixed on you. Thank you being such a good and trust worthy guide.

totally new here (and quite new in the kingdom of ML) and this is my first question;

I am using XGBClassifier (latest version) in python training a dataset where the observations (should) have different weights. More specifically in am trying modelling the probability for an insurance policy to have a claim. The insurance policies may be on risk (have insurance cover) for different durations e.g. 1 month, 6 month 1 year creating the need to weight them according to how long they are on risk.

Is it possible to pass this (N*1) vectors which sums up to 1 to the XGBClassifier? If so, is the implication of this that obs. with weights are more likely to be picked by the sampling algo?

Hope somebody can enlighten me. Please let me know if I need to clarify something.

Thanks a lot. This was a perfect step-by-step guide. Don’t think it could have been done better.


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